
Title Unit Price
Unit Price
Title Unit Price
Unit Price


Comprehensive Backup Coverage


Climb Global services will protect customer workloads for Microsoft 365 by managing backup for Exchange, Sharepoint, Onedrive and Teams. Covering both users and shared mailboxes. Climb Global Services will restore files or users if requested to their original location.

Setup and Maintenance


           Backup Plans: We configure backup plans for all users

           Automatic User Inclusion: New users are automatically added to the backup plans, minimising administrative overhead.

           Monitoring and Issue Resolution: Our team proactively monitors backups and addresses any failures promptly.


Reliable Data Recovery


When data loss occurs, we’ve got you covered:

           Restore to Original Location: If you need specific files or emails back, we’ll restore them to their original location within your

    Microsoft 365 environment.

Backup Frequency and Retention

           Daily Backup: We perform daily backups to capture changes and updates.

           Weekly Backup: Weekly backups provide additional redundancy.

           Monthly Backup: Monthly backups serve as a long-term safety net. 


Retention Policies

           Daily Backups: Stored for 7 days.

           Weekly Backups: Retained for 4 weeks.

           Monthly Backups: Kept for 6 months.


DataCenter Security and Compliance


           Location: All backup data is stored within the UK

           Guarded physical locations 24/7 with video Surveillance

           Compliant with SOC-1, SOC-2, Tier III, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, HIPAA and HDS


Pricing model

           Per User*

•           Deleted Users data Storage**


* Fair usage policy of 150GB per user, if this is exceeded you will be contacted with options

** Deleted user storage charged at £3.00 per 100GB per month Minimum and charged at the same rate per 100GB after.